The Blyde River Canyon South Africa

blyde river
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The Blyde River Canyon is a significant natural feature of South Africa, located in Mpumalanga, and forming the northern part of the Drakensberg escarpment. It is 25 kilometres in length and is, on average, around 750 metres deep ( from )

South Africa
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The Labassin Waterfall Restaurant Philippines

labassin Waterfall

The Labassin Waterfall Restaurant is one unique restaurant is located in the Villa Escudero in San Pablo, Quezon Province, Philippines. Each visitor can enjoy a panoramic view of an artificial waterfall that inundated the restaurant. Here, you can enjoy a variety of traditional Filipino dishes. Then after the meal, the patrons usually sit and lie down under the waterfall. Natural soothing atmosphere and blowing water tickling the face. It's amazing. The concept of this restaurant makes visitors feel comfortable and always want to come back.


Keukenhof the Garden of Europe


Keukenhof  the Garden of Europe 
This flower garden is known as the Garden of Europe because it is the world's largest flower garden located in Lisse, South Holland. Keukenhof is one of the famous tourist destinations in the Netherlands since 60 years. Park with an area of ​​approximately 32 hectares, there are 7 million flowers planted by hand and is about 4.5 million tulips in 100 different varieties. So you can imagine how beautiful flower park Keukenhof. When viewed from above, the park is like a giant tapestry of colorful nan stunning.

the colour Keukenhof